
Deer Herd

Close-up of a deer with antlers in a sunny outdoor setting, showcasing wildlife beauty.

Full Rut Flehmen Response: What It Is and What It Means

Explore the fascinating behavior of the Flehmen response in wildlife. Learn how this unique physiological reaction impacts mating seasons, wildlife management, and hunting strategies. Discover how recognizing this behavior can offer valuable insights for both conservationists and hunters.

Full Rut Flehmen Response: What It Is and What It Means Read More »

Does, fawns and young whitetail bucks around the protein feeder. TheRanch@Camp Ka Hui 'Ana. Exclusive Trophy Whitetail Deer Hunting Southwest of San Antonio, Texas

Spring and Summer Nutrition for White Tailed Deer: The Importance of Year-Round Supplemental Feed

Texas is known for its iconic white-tailed deer, making it a hub for hunting enthusiasts. What you might not know is that effective deer management relies on understanding the animals, their requirements, and their struggles. A balance of genetics, age, and nutrition are required to grow healthy deer with big antlers. While a ranch cannot necessarily change the existing genetics or control the age of the deer their neighbors harvest, they can improve the availability of nutritious feed. Spring and summer nutritional intake are also important for both does and bucks alike, making good year-round nutrition a vital aspect of maintaining a healthy deer herd.

Spring and Summer Nutrition for White Tailed Deer: The Importance of Year-Round Supplemental Feed Read More »