I’m betting by now you’ve searched dozens if not hundreds of websites and social media posts trying to find that perfect hunting ranch. The place where, this year, your gonna go for that monster trophy, a once-in-a-lifetime South Texas white-tailed buck. That blank spot on your wall back home is just crying out to have that big buck mounted up there. And you know what, you’ll probably get that buck and it’ll look fantastic on that wall.
What I’m also betting though, is that while you’ll have that trophy head, some pictures, a little video, and memories that will unfortunately fade with time, you won’t have something you can only get at TheRanch@Camp Ka Hui ‘Ana outside Millett, Texas. And what is that you ask? A professional documentary of your time with us that will keep your memories of that hunt and the people and place you shared it with alive for years and years to come.
For me, hunting is not just about that moment I pull the trigger, the meat that’s harvested, or the trophy on the wall. The “hunt” is about the experience, the place, the smells, the sounds, the wildlife, the people (and the jokes & stories they tell), the fire in the fire pit at night, how good the food was, and yes, what those final moments were like as I spotted that buck and then pulled the trigger. If you watched the documentary above, you’ll see and hear our story, learn more about our ranch, it’s history, how it came to be, the people that walked here 10,000 years ago, and what it is today. I used to try to tell people about that and try to convey in words alone why it was so special to me. It wasn’t until Sheldon Charron at Enter360 Media came out and interviewed and filmed us and produced our documentary that it finally all came to life. And it came to life not just for me, but now for the thousands that have visited our site or seen our posts.

Are you looking for a hunting experience that’ll be extraordinary in and of itself and also give you a lasting memory of the people, the place, the sounds, the jokes & stories, and the final moment that big buck became yours? Do you want that memory to be vivid and lasting and one you can share with others in a way where they can feel what you felt? Book your hunt and your documentary now before this season’s opportunities are gone. Believe me, you’ll be glad you did!
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